1. T. Hianik, G. Castillo, P. Nadazdy. A. Poturnayova, G. Mező, L. Kocsis,
    A. Csámpai, K. Pribransky,  Z. Keresztes
    Detection of plasmin activity at biomimetic surfaces using electrochemical, acoustic and AFM methods
    Book of Abstract, Workshop „Integrated approaches for biomolecular detection: nanostructures, biosensors and Lab-on-chip devices“ COST Action TD 1003 meeting, Catania, Italy, 2014.
  2. N. Molnár, K. Pribransky, E. Orosz, J. Mihály, Z. Keresztes
    Spontaneous and microwave assisted formation of casein stabilized gold-nanoparticles – possible use in sensor applications.
    Book of Abstracts, Regional Biophysics Conference, Smolenice, Slovakia, 2014, p. 94.
  3.  P. Nadazdy, G. Castillo,. A. Poturnayova, G. Mező, L. Kocsis, A. Csámpai,
    K. Pribransky, Z. Keresztes,  T. Hianik
    Detection of plasmin activity at surfaces modified by casein and short peptides using various   methods
    Book of Abstracts, Regional Biophysics Conference, Smolenice, Slovakia, 2014, p. 95
  4. G. Castillo, P. Nadazdy, A. Poturnayova, K. Pribransky, Z. Keresztes, G. Mező,
    L. Kocsis, A. Csámpai,T. Hianik
    Monitoring activity of plasmin on surface substrates using electrochemical, mass sensitive and imaging approaches
    Book of Abstracts, International Conference on Electrochemical Biosensors,
    Visegrád, Hungary 2014, p. 149.
  5.  G. Castillo, K.  Pribransky, G. Mező, L. Kocsis, A. Csámpai, K. Németh,
    Z. Keresztes, T. Hianik
     Electrochemical and photometric detection of plasmin by specific peptide substrate
    Electroanalysis 2015, 27, 789 – 798
  6.  A. Poturnayova, I. Karpisova, G. Castillo, Z. Keresztes, T. Hianik
     Acoustic biosensor for detection of plasmin by specific peptide substrate
    submitted to Sensors and Actualtor B (Chemicals)
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